Rosewood’s New Retail Space

A love of self-expression & ethical consumption through clothes.


Rosewood Clothing Co. caters to the creative individual that believes in slow-fashion, low consumption, and ethical ways of shopping. We designed Rosewood Clothing Co.’s new brick & mortar location as a space to support Founder Ashley Carruthers’s creativity and passion— while catering to her clientele that, in her words, “work hard and play hard.”

We designed and built every inch of the 750-square-foot shop: Two fitting rooms, tables, shelving units, backroom storage, seating, mirror frames, and the focal point… the checkout counter.

Rare is the client who knows their design limitations. And that design/build is a living breathing entity— not a linear process. The trust Carruthers afforded us, deepened our ingenuity and innovation. Once crowded at her last two locations, Carruthers shares that the new store’s layout gives her and her customers more room to breathe.


A Kitchen for Empty Nesters